Tag Archives: bella swan

Katniss Everdeen vs Bella bitch ass Swan



             I have a problem with how people compare Katniss Everdeen to Bella bitch ass Swan. Just because a movie/book is popular does not mean that these characters are anything alike. Come on people look at the books that had come before the Hunger Games trilogy; The Giver, Brave New World, 1984, Animal Farm, and The Most Dangerous Game. These are all novels that had the main characters in a situation where the government was in control. In the Most Dangerous Game it was prisoners that were “stranded” on an island where they were killing one another and being hunted. In 1984, Brave New World, they had a big brother that was in control of everything and the main MALE characters had the same thoughts and worries as Katniss.  The only difference between these characters is the fact that one is a man and the other is a 16-year-old girl. Katniss had taken care of her family, she had gone to the hunger games instead of her sister and while she was there she had defied the man by making sure Peeta and herself would get out and when Rue had died she had given her a burial of sorts.

            Bella is a weak as bitch. I read a single page of the Twilight series and that is because when I was in high school the books were coming out and they were very popular. I had a few friends tell me I needed to read them and after a certain amount of people telling me that I thought why not and I read a page and thought “ This is some crap.” I saw the first two movies I will admit, the first one I ran out of booze and pot and the second one was because I went with a friend to see it. I worked at a video store for the record and got the first one for free and I wanted to have an opinion and well I have never lived it down that I have seen it. Anyways Bella was a weak ass bitch that had followed a guy around that didn’t want her. IN fact in the second one she had gone to kill herself because she was left all alone and she had also went off with some bikers that were going to rape her. This is not a role model for young women. Yes when a man leaves you, you go to kill yourself.

            Katniss fought for what she believed in. Even at the very end when she was lost and confused she never gave up. Every character that is on a journey like that has the same thoughts and fears. Look a Harry Potter, he was freaked out. She didn’t give in and take the soma pill like the main character did in Brave New World. These two females are not the same and should not be compared to one another. So what the book was picked up and made into a great movie series. Suzanne Collins is writing the screen plays for all of the Hunger Game movies, which is amazing. She is not some bored housewife that writes at a 5th grade level. She took concepts that have been throughout literature for decades and she applied them to a group of teenagers. The writing isn’t even for just young adults.  It is like Harry Potter just because that is where they placed it doesn’t mean that it belongs there.