Tag Archives: womens rights

Women’s Rights, My Body My Rules Get out of my Vagina.





As of lately there seems to be a war on women’s rights.  Our wonderful House of Representatives had passed a bill that would take the abortion time from 24 weeks to 20. As it is 24 weeks is only used if there is some sort of abnormality with the child or if it is an at risk birth which endangers the woman and the baby. As it is last time I checked my uterus did not say “ Property of The United States of America” in fact they barely give a shit about my over all health considering I can’t afford health care and they are trying to take money away from Planned Parent Hood which provides me with birth control which I have been on since I was 16 because of my cramps and it regulates my hormones.

            Yesterday Senator Wendy Davis stood up for women in Texas which was trying to ban abortions past 24 weeks and close down 37 of their clinics because they would not be up to code leaving a mere 5 for the large state, this would also affect Oklahoma, she saved women everywhere by having an 11 hour filibuster on SB5. It did not pass through the Senate because of this thank god.  I am disgusted that this is coming out in the 2013. We shouldn’t have to worry about going back to the dark days where abortions were performed in a back ally or in someone’s home with a coat hanger. Did no one see the film If these Walls could Talk? Come on Demi Moore died because she had a back ally abortion, the man took her money, ripped apart her uterus and left her to bleed to death. She had also tried a knitting needle to do it herself. This is scary and what had happened and this does not need to go back there. I am very capable of making my own decisions and I do not need a white man telling me what is good for my body. I don’t think your dumb ass went to medical school you need to stop acting like you know what is best for me.

            Many states have made their abortion laws even stricter. North Dakota is a great example of this. They are making it where you have 3-4 weeks to have it done because they count the two weeks of evoulation and your actual cycle as part of the "6 week" period to have an abortion. . This is causing quiet uproar luckily and The Center of Reproductive Rights is suing the state for this.  We have till August 1st to try and make sure that this does not pass for the women of the state, if you see anything that you can sign, or even right a letter do so I have been.

          This is a disgrace to women. The only thing I can think that would cause men to want to control something as precious as our human body is insecurity and jealousy. We have come so far with women’s rights and because right now it is still a boys party in politics the only way they can control us is by using the law. I don’t need this in my life. I am a safe female, I travel in groups so I don’t get attacked, and I practice safe sex. If something where to happen to me it would be a fluke and since it is my body, my life, my career that is up for stake I want to control if I want an abortion or not. It is truly no ones business what I choose to do with my body.  How dare they put women’s health and life in jeopardy. If there is a problem with a fetus where it will not survive and it could kill the mother then why can she not have her abortion? Don’t you think that mentally she is dealing with enough since by that point she does want to keep the baby? Now you want to tell her suck it up you can lose your child and your life because that’s how I want it to be. No this is not ok these over privileged white men need to back the fuck off of my body and get over the fact that I am not going back to the kitchen unless I want to. I’m sorry that your dick is so small that you have to do this but for fuck sake get over yourself.