Tag Archives: crappy sayings

Shirts with Crappy sayings, why Couldn’t they have Stayed Gone?

Remember when you were in the 7th grade and that one kid would always come in to class clad in some t-shirt that was two sizes too big with a very "clever" saying on it?? Remember how we all hoped they would just stay locked away in the vault that is junior high shame? Well I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but those awesome shirts have made their way back into stores. We've all seen them, some of us own them or we know someone that owns them, yes I'm talking about the ones that you casually point to in passing with a judgmental "who buys that shit?" notion. 


Now it should be noted that these shirts not be confused with band shirts, logos, brand names, or various fandoms’ paraphernalia. The t-shirts I am referring to are those really cheesy sayings that make people do a frustrated head shake as they wonder what is happening to humanity. 


I was recently on a website for  rather popular store, browsing with my credit cards on standby, as I usually do at 2 am when my insomnia decides to take over, and I happened across a string of very appalling shirts:




  1. “I’m a Fucking Leprechaun” – No, but you’re a “fucking idiot” for buying that shirt. It’s not clever, cute, or even relevant for that matter.
  2. “I [Love] Beer and Loud Music” – As much as most of us believe in this idea, we don’t need to walk around with it pinned across our chest. The fact that we’re at a loud party or club determined to stand straight is proof enough that this statement is applicable without having to parade around with it loudly displayed on a shirt.
  3. “Smile God is Judging You Right Now” – Yeah he and EVERY one else within a mile radius of that sweater. It holds the same comedic value of the “only God can judge me tattoos” because oddly enough after seeing that know that everyone is judging you.
  4. “1-800-Eat-Shit” – Oh my, my. There is nothing good about this shirt. Failing to be funny at all, this shirt is just annoying and obnoxious.

At the end of the day, it’s just important that you be conscious of the choices you make where clothing is concerned. Be aware that most of the time in the case of t-shirt’s with “funny” sayings, people make poor decisions and want to pass off the look as being no big deal. Unfortunately it is a big deal when someone else’s poor choices are forced upon you. Please, please, please refrain from adding any ridiculous shirts as the aforementioned to your wardrobe and you’ll continue to lead a nonsense free life!