Shit that is bothering me- Youtube Hate Comments

The last year I have been working on my masters so I have no been as invovled with this as I should be. Behind the scenes (ugh I hate the woman that would say this to me but it is true) I have been working on a project that could really help my career both in the music world and in the academic world. This is not what is bother me, as much as it is just an update as to my life.


The shit that is bother me is, is the whole world in general. Everyone seems so fucking hateful. I saw Tati Westbroke (Glamlifeguru on youtube) showing some of the shit that people were saying to her over a review. They were some of the nastiest things I have ever read. I cried for her. It hurt my feelings like one of my friends was being attacked and there was nothing I can do to help her. What the fuck is wrong with people? Who thinks that it is ok to tell a woman that they feel sorry for her husband because she is to old to have kids. Fuck that person, fuck them all. I can't understand writing such things to someone that I not only do not know, but someone who does not deserve it. If I really hated someone maybe I could say those things, but even then I just can't imagine how that person can say that they are living their best life.

That kind of stuff is why I don't have comments on here, never have and I never will. When I set up this site i made sure to have no comments. I don't want to read that shit. I read enough of them on one article when I worked for OC Weekly, it wasn't hateful compared to what Tati has to deal with, but I knew that I would never want to read any of that shit anyways. Honestly if you are reading this and you write those comments, why? What is the actually fucking point? Do you really feel better about your life? Cause to the rest of us you are a very angry piece of shit that should be slapped in the face.